ACIP Release IV Installation Notes - 3/31/99: Be sure to view the ReadMe file on the CD-ROM. It contains late-breaking information about how to use AsiaView and the various contents of the CD-ROM. To view the ReadMe file, run AsiaView, select the "File" menu, choose "Open", select your CD-ROM drive, and then double-click on the file named ReadMe.rtf or ReadMe.txt. (The ReadMe file can also be opened directly from Windows by double-clicking on the filename.) All Tibetan texts on the ACIP CD-ROM are included in both roman-script and Tibetan-script versions. The Tibetan-script versions have the same file name as the roman-script files, but with the file extension .RTF. They are located in special "rtf" folders within the respective folders that contain the roman-script files. For example: D:\Texts\Kangyur\rtf\ (if D: is the drive letter of your CD-ROM). In order to view these files, you must have the Sambhota fonts installed on your system. The AsiaView installation should have done this automatically. If you have problems viewing the Tibetan files, you should try restarting your computer. If problems persist, please consult the ReadMe file for trouble-shooting information.